Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Talk about feeling OLD!!

We've all seen the little gramma with those long gray chin hairs right? Maybe, hopefully not but maybe some of you have seen a dark coarse hair on your own chin. Well let me just make you all feel a little bit better about yourself, and possibly freak out Little Princess with what she could possibly have to look forward to.

Each week sometimes 2 times a week, and this is no exaggeration, I sit down and tweeze those annoying little whiskers from off my face. When I say face I mean the entire area where a man grows a beard, from ear to ear, above and below my lips, and down my neck. I've always been very hairy, my dad said it's from the mediterranean blood in me. But in the last few years it's gotten out of control. I could probably sit down each day and tweeze at least 10.

I notice them most when I'm in the car checking out myself in the mirror. The lighting must be just right that they all jump out and practically scare me to death. Today while waiting for Lover Boy to get off work I was looking in the visor mirror when I nearly had a heart attack. Not only did I have a zillion, ok so that is a slight exaggeration, ugly whiskers poking out of my chin, neck and cheeks, but some where gray! UHHHH!

What on earth is happening to me? I got my first chunk of gray hair on my head at 24, and when trying to blame my parents for that I was informed that neither of them got gray hair til they were past 30. Now this?!! Gray hair on my chin, how HUMILIATING! I guess I'd better turn my weekly sometimes bi-weekly ritual into a daily chore. I'd hate for someone else to see those horendous hairs.

I plopped myself down on the couch with my tweezers in one hand and mirror in the other, ready to declare war. Lover Boy walked in and asked if I'd like some assistance, how could I turn down that offer. He plucked away. I counted each hair that he pulled out. When he was done I asked him if he knew just how many he pulled out, he laughed and asked if I seriously counted. UM, yah! I told him there was 106. Then he laughed and told me I might be slightly wrong because many of those tugs had 2 or 3 hairs in them. Can you believe it? Over 106 big, thick, ugly whiskers!


Dawn said...

we all have our different challenges-so you got a hairy one! Keep the tweezers close by. :) I'm sorry and believe me I dont think it is one bit funny. I bet some of your friends are glad to know you have something though. They probably thought you were perfect.

Chad, Krissie, Sotera & Slade said...

I feel your pain! you know I've always been hairy! No grey though, I thought about a year ago I found one grey hair on my head, but I think it was a false alarm, since I haven't seen any since! But my sister says just wait when you find a grey hair in your pubes then you will really freak out! So here's for hoping that it doesn't happen to you for a while!! See there's always something worse! haahahaha We hairy girls gotta look at the bright side right? I was just telling my sis-in-law yesterday that I have to wax once a week to keep the mustache under control. She couldn't believe it & only has to wax once a month. Well good for you I said! BOO! I guess we can't be too perfect or everyone would hate you!!!

Lindsay Family said...

Trichelle I love reading your posts. You are so honest and make me laugh all of the time. You are also a very good writer. Your last post about weight was so true for everyone. I wonder if I will ever like what I see in the mirror. I think that you on the other hand, look amazing!

Melissa Davis said...

Oh I'm sitting at my computer right now tweezing! and I have two pair sitting here "just in case" lol! You're not a lone!

AlexFam said...

I know I am weird, but I think it is so cute that Joe helped you tweeze. What a guy!

Fressia Vaughn said...

that's funny that you wrote on my blog today trichelle, I just spent a couple hours reading your yesterday... I was gonna email you but got sidetracked. And I was putting it off, so much to say and sometimes when you have a lot to say, it's a lot of work to write an email.

hadfam5 said...

You are so cute, I know what you mean but I got lucky being a red head my hair is a light blonde I still hate them everyone else may not see them but I know they are there. I really think people do say them they are just being nice and not saying anything to embarass me haha. I'm glad to know what you do I may pick up that habit now. 8)

Brooke and Aaron said...

Hey Trichelle! Your blog is soo funny! I'm right there with ya on the facial hair, my mom's family is Greek so I'm blaming them! It's so gross and when I was prego it got ridiculous! And feel free to check out my blog anytime. :) Your kiddos are so flippen cute! Good job! Nice to hear from ya!